It’s about YOU…
and a Little Bit About Me.
I love working with people who are honest, funny, discerning, down-to-earth, highly-educated, and open to holistic wellness through design.
You’re innovators who aim to make the world a better place with your expertise in areas like education, science, alternative health & wellness, or non-profit work.
You geek-out on esoteric things that let you lose your sense of time, a state of mind which could also be central to your work.
You value the expertise of others who know their own fields, and you seek their help when you need it.
You love spending time outdoors, especially for your mental health.
You have a deep respect for Mother Earth and do everything you can to help save her.
You take the description “quirky” as a compliment.
One client said to me,
“I don’t have a design bone in my body!”
You can point out what you like in furniture and decor, and you can scroll Pinterest all day long…
…but you can’t easily figure out which pieces would be right for you or your home, because interior design isn’t your thing so you don’t have the detailed knowledge to make all those choices without making some big mistakes in the process.
But when you look around your house now, you see the past - basically a time capsule of your lives - an accumulation of stuff from years or decades of living there.
You’ve seen your home in its current state for so long that, try as you might, you just can’t imagine it in a different way.

Groovy Clients
“Nan from groovyhome has been amazing to work with on my living room update. The process was straightforward, starting with the questionnaire and in-person meeting to focus on my goals, after which she created a design that brightened up the room while integrating existing furniture and a somewhat challenging layout. She was instrumental in helping choose the sofa and chair, including the fabrics, a task that I had found very daunting on my own. Nan took the time to understand my budget and needs, and I like being able to purchase the pieces on my own schedule. I highly recommend her work.”
You are so ready to update your space and have a cheerful place to call home.
Ready for a Change
You love your house and have no intention of moving. Your furniture has definitely served you well over the years, but now, it’s just tired. In your heart of hearts, you know the time is right to update your place. You don’t want construction, but you’re unsure about how to proceed.
Moving On
Congratulations on your new digs! You might be downsizing, upsizing, or just moving to a different house. But you’re not really sure how your current furniture will work in the new place, and trying to figure that out feels too overwhelming right now what with moving and all.
Empty Nesting
Your kids are out in the world now, building careers and making homes of their own. It feels like the right time to convert one of their bedrooms into a place where you could finally write, or paint, or start a business. But how would you go about making that change?
Hi! I'm Nan Krueger
And it makes sense that I’m an interior designer. My parents were amateur designers who taught themselves through experience, not for their jobs but for their love of the process.
They owned and renovated a few houses while I was growing up in the 70’s, and I remember playing with their fabric samples and drafting supplies. Their furniture templates fascinated me; I drew floor plans for countless imaginary houses.
When my parents decided to redesign my childhood bedroom, they let me choose the colors, wallpapers and fabrics. That was my first decorating project, and I fell in love with the process of researching and coordinating all of the decorative elements (see photos below, and remember—it was the 70’s!).
The name “Groovyhome” is a tribute to my mom.
She had a quick sense of humor, and she loved to say “groovy, baby”!
She introduced me to the art of interior design.
She gave me a home filled with love and laughter.
All of that led me to Groovyhome.
My mom, Jean Krueger, in 1962 (the year I was born). ▶ ▶ ▶
We have these chairs and table in our house right now.

Groovy Clients
“Working with Nan Krueger of groovyhome was pure delight. I needed help placing my furniture to take advantage of the light and spaces in the house I had just purchased. She saw immediately how I could rearrange what I had and augment it with pieces I needed to create a pleasing and workable home. Her eye for detail was astonishing and very small adjustments made an enormous difference. Nan is a bright and down to earth professional whom I recommend highly to anyone wanting to improve their surroundings and quality of life.”
A little bit more about me
I’m a Holistic Interior Designer
I’ve always been naturally intuitive and highly sensitive to my surroundings and other people’s energy. I know it’s a bit woowoo, but these qualities allow me to deeply appreciate how my clients are experiencing their homes, and why they need to make changes.
Because I’m called to connect with people on these deeper levels, I can design spaces that are precisely tailored to their needs aesthetically, physically, energetically and emotionally. That’s what holistic design means to me—creating a space that satisfies all four levels of the client’s lived experience, not just one or two.
As your designer, I need to know who you are, where you're at in life, what you want out of your next chapter, and then how your home can help you grow into that new version of yourself. How have you changed over the past several years? Who are you becoming and what’s calling you forward these days? What are your hopes and dreams for your future?
Together we build a dream for your home, and then I translate that dream into the tangible & intangible elements of your room. That’s my main responsibility as a designer, and it happens to be one of my favorite things to do.
I Have a Design Education and Then Some
In case you were wondering, I have 2 bachelors degrees in art history and interior design, and I worked for several designers over the past 30 years before starting Groovyhome. I’ve also taught interior design classes for two community education programs, and volunteered at historic houses. Yes, I’m basically obsessed with how people use their domestic spaces, way back in time and also into the future.
I love the history of furniture and decorative arts. Between my degree programs, I took an antiques course in London, where we had classes at museums and studied actual paintings, ceramics, silver, furniture and lots of other fancy things for the home. We toured historic estates and learned how they were decorated in the height of fashion for their day. It was all over-the-top and totally fascinating to me.
I Stepped Way Out of My Comfort Zone
In 2013, our family spent three months in Ecuador volunteering at two schools. We felt passionate about helping people in South America, and we wanted to let our daughter, who was 13 at the time, see that the world is much bigger than our small home town. We lived with families, learned basic Spanish pretty quickly, and had the honor of teaching children who would otherwise have no education if it weren’t for the fantastic education program we volunteered with.